Monday 28 October 2013


Hi folks

For those road users in snowy parts of the world this time of the year, be careful out there, for it's the dodgem cars on ice season.


Hey!  there's no need to go to an amusement park to get action,  just jump into your car and drive like you just don't care on a stretch of icy road, and voila! see the results.

Personally, I think these people were out on a last minute shopping spree for a really good deal on snow blowers. But you know what, they could have all saved themselves a lot of stress and injuries by going to this great online site for snow blowers.


Thursday 7 March 2013

Snow Sweeps Man off Roof: Idiot On The Roof (VIDEO)

The Slovenians have come up with this novel way of clearing snow from the roof of a hut. Our sensible friend starts off with pitching a long ladder onto the roof of the hut and then proceeds to attack the snow with his trusty snow shovel.

Nothing like “rolling up your sleeves”, or whatever the phrase is in Slovenian, and get the job done. Well, this guy from Slovenia did this and achieved fantastic results in 30 seconds, see for yourself.

Click here for other great snow removeal tips.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Experts shows how to drive on ice and snow

Have you ever wanted to find out how to drive your car in snowy hazardous conditions, when there is no grip. Well check out this expert's advice in the vidieo.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Lamborghini Clearing Snow

Hey snow can be fun? right?, well if you can afford a Lamborghini and mess about in it on snow, then why not?

Check out this real cool video.

On a more practical note, I could think of a much cheaper and environmentally efficient way of clearing snow. This dude could have got himself a Toro 38381 Power Curve electric snow thrower, or quality Greenworks 20-inch electric snow thrower. Click this link for details of realy great deals on snow blowers

Saturday 5 January 2013

Nothing Takes Longer Than Waiting for Snow

By Steve Tracton
A Snow Lover's Refrain

Welcome to winter, but where's the snow? From the latest (sometimes sensationalist) news reports, it seems snowstorms are everywhere (even New Orleans!) -- except, as local snow lovers (including myself) can attest, in the D.C metro region.

Although we've had periods of sufficiently cold conditions for snow, almost all the significant precipitation has been rain. To me, rain in winter is a decided waste of precipitation, and below-freezing temperatures an unquestionable waste of cold air.
Keep reading for a detailed look at the unfavorable odds of getting big snowstorms locally, and the difficulties predicting them...
Unfortunately, it is not unusual in this area for wintertime precipitation and the requisite cold for snow to be out of sync. Moreover, the characteristically narrow (often less than 10 miles wide) band of "wintry mix" between snow and rain frequently runs up the gut of the D.C. area. Suffice to say, getting a snowfall of consequence around here (let's say, more than an inch or two) is no easy task, and the odds of a substantial snowfall (say, greater than 6") this (or any) winter are a long shot.
All of which evokes what I believe is unquestionably the most apt expression describing the sentiments of snow lovers, "Nothing takes longer than waiting for snow" -- a refrain from a verse of the song, Waiting for Snow, in the John McCutcheon album, Wintersongs.

Hey! you may think that this news item on winter snow was published in December 2012 or in  January 2013, but you be wrong. It was published in December 2008, clink this link to read the rest of the article.  

Where's the snow? Lack of flakes hurting business

ALLENDALE, Mich. (WZZM) - Snow blowers and shovels are collecting cobwebs at local shops because of the lack of snow this season.
By this time, we should have had a total of 31.4 inches of snow. Instead, we've only had 7.6. We talked to a few nearby hardware stores, including Menard's, Rylee's, and True Value, and they all tell us the same; this has hurt their winter business.
"We have two types of customers," said Chad Ayers, a manager of the Allendale True Value. "The planner...they have a little more disposable income and they will typically buy between September and December. They're typically buying bigger, two-stage, higher-dollar snow blowers. Then we have the other type of customer who totally banks on whether or not we get snow, and that's where we sell the single stage snow blowers." 

Just because most of the snow blowers aren't selling, it doesn't mean you're going to be able to find many on clearance. Snow blower manufacturers purposely don't put out new models each year, so they can carry over old models from the year before if there isn't a lot of snow, which is what will happen to these if they don't sell within the next few weeks.


Suspect Arrested in Snowblower Thefts

December 20, 2012

TRUCKEE, CA - A Truckee man has been arrested in connection with several thefts of Honda snowblowers in late 2012.
30-year-old Christopher Nelson is charged with felony theft. The snowblowers retail for around $3000 apiece.
Truckee police say there may be more people in on the burglaries, and the investigation is ongoing.
One machine has been recovered and returned to its owner; four more are still missing. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of any of these stolen snowblowers is encouraged to contact Truckee PD Investigations at 530-550-2323.

You can pick up an electric snow blower for under $200 online from well known outlets; they are environmentally efficient, no gas or other pollutants being emitted.